How to Empower the Next Generations in Sustainable Dining

June 2021

Empowering the Next Generation in Saving Our Planet

Tertiary school or higher education is essential in a young adult’s journey before they join the labor force. Incorporating sustainability principles in the tertiary curriculum of the foodservice and hospitality industries help mold the next generation to become environmental stewards and protectors. Reinforcing the idea that nature is vital for human survival can empower them to act and make sustainable dining a way of life.

Development of Supplementary Teaching Material for Food Service Industry Tertiary Courses

Bridging the knowledge gap about Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) related concepts, technical terms and practices is one of the objectives of Serve Our Planet: A Supplementary Teaching Material on Sustainable Dining for Food Service Industry Tertiary Courses. Based on the study conducted by The Nielsen Company in 2018, environmental awareness should be introduced early in the lives of Filipino children to ensure long-term retention and practice of environmentally conscious habits. This paved the way to create a tool to help communicate environmental responsibility and stewardship.

The Sustainable Diner Project Team of WWF-Philippines, in collaboration with the University of the Philippines - Los Baños HUMEIN Inc., developed a supplementary teaching material for the food service industry and other related tertiary courses. This manual went through a rigid process of pilot testing, focus group discussions, and peer reviews to improve and finalize the content. This serves as an excellent way to support teachers and professors with the integration of environmental sustainability concepts into their existing lesson plans and modules for the food service and hospitality courses. In addition, this will support educators in training the next generations to be equipped with environmental knowledge and socially responsible behavior.

Download the Serve Our Planet: Tertiary Teaching Manual Now!

The free e-book is now available for download. Get your copy through this link and raise environmental awareness among college students today. This teaching manual can serve as a guide in educating students who are taking courses related to food service and the hospitality sector.

The Sustainable Diner project, under Sustainable Consumption and Production, is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.

The Sustainable Diner and SoilMate Project Team:

Melody Melo-Rijk, Jonna Ellaine Jordan, Lorayne Therese Roque, Alexa Jeanne Lasch, Iris Joy Abrigo, Liezl Stuart del Rosario, Kristan Gabriel Villalon, Jenette Callada, Monique Mahusay

For more information, please contact:

Melody Melo-Rijk
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Project Manager

Jonna Ellaine Jordan
Integrated Marketing Communication Specialist

Lorayne Therese Roque
Sustainable Consumer Specialist