The Corporates for a Better Planet Initiative (CBPI) is WWF-Philippines’ flagship program that provides an actionable framework for organizations to operate sustainably within the paradigm of the climate crisis. The Philippines remains one of the most at-risk countries in the world for the adverse effects of climate change. However, these same risks are rife with complexity and uncertainty, and organizations typically fail to properly assess their implications. CBPI takes a holistic approach towards this pivotal issue, addressing these risks from a bespoke, science-based perspective.

The CBPI Process is composed of three key phases: Measure, Manage and Maintain.
The first phase of CBPI involves measuring where the company is situated in terms of sustainability. The company’s current framework and reporting structure can be readily integrated with CBPI’s Measure phase, ensuring science-based targets are in place in line with international standards and local mandates.

The second phase of CBPI provides the range of solutions through a detailed Roadmap needed to achieve the targets outlined in the measure phase. This phase remains highly bespoke and tailored to align with the company’s short-, medium-, and long-term strategies and capital flows. Managing these key solutions entails a robust network of both projects and solution providers, which is the purview of CBPI.

Lastly, the Maintain phase of CBPI ensures that on a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis, all targets and data are assessed, considering any new factors or strategic directions that may have occurred within the year. CBPI is a continuously evolving and optimized process, and this phase ascertains that any projects or solutions undertaken in the Manage phase are on track to reach the targets set in the Measure phase.
Leading the CBPI team, John is a prominent professional in the field of sustainability. He is an adjunct faculty member at the Ateneo de Manila University, a Research Fellow at the Global Grassroots Initiative, and sits on the board of the Clean Energy Revolution and Philippine Taxonomic Initiative. He also leads Verne Energy Solutions and a team under USAID's Energy Secure Philippines (ESP) Activity. He has a BSc in Environmental Science and a Master’s degree in Environmental Management.
Currently a CBPI Program Officer, Kirstie assists the CBPI Lead in meeting the requirements of engagements with partner companies and organizations. She has a BSc in Civil Engineering and a Master’s degree in Environmental Management.
Currently a CBPI Program Officer, Giselle assists the CBPI Lead in meeting the requirements of engagements with partner companies and organizations. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and is currently taking her MS in Geography. Giselle has previously worked with indigenous farmers and heritage product protection.
The success of the CBPI team in meeting the requirements of the CBPI Program is further strengthened by their access to the WWF Network of experts and practitioners to assist them in fields relevant to the CBPI Phases.
Through CBPI, your company can:
- Create an actionable and clear sustainability vision and roadmap for your company, backed up by science.
- Mitigate climate-related risks for your company.
- Contribute to the overall target of the Philippines on the path towards sustainability and resilience.
Together we can #ChangeTheEnding!
WWF-Philippines works with the corporate sector to lead on rapid adaptation and innovate solutions needed to drive change to ensure that natural resources and ecosystems that underpin their business are used sustainably. By working with businesses, WWF-Philippines helps them develop progressive strategies and sustainable approaches to address their key environmental impacts and risks; set ambitious targets; and map out their journey towards sustainability.
Let’s talk! If you have any questions or would like to know more about the CBPI Program, our team would be happy to meet with you. Feel free to reach us by email:
John Charles Altomonte |