WWF-Philippines, Partners Introduce Aquaponics to Food Shed Systems
December 2020

A sample aquaponics system, from the Department of Agriculture Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR), complete with solar panels. WWF-Philippines is developing their own version of this same setup, together with MUAD Negros. Photograph © DA-BFAR
Philippines – The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines, together with Pilmico Foods Corporation, has introduced aquaponics to their food shed design, in a bid to further push back hunger in communities through sustainable innovations.
An estimated 5.2 million Filipinos had experienced involuntary hunger between the months of May and July, 2020. Sustainable Development Goal 2 aims to end hunger across the globe by 2030.
Together with technical partner, the Multi-Sectoral Alliance for Development (MUAD) Negros, WWF-Philippines has been installing food sheds in communities across the country. A cheap, low-tech innovation, the food shed was designed to help address food security issues in both rural and urban communities. The food shed also allows communities to grow their own food, reducing their reliance on other communities and dependence on market forces.

A food shed in Negros, one of MUAD projects in partnership with We Effect. WWF-Philippines intends on establishing 48 functioning food sheds in rural communities across the country by the end of 2021. Photograph © WWF-Philippines
The two nature-based organizations began setting up food sheds in 2018. Pilmico Foods Corporation lent their assistance to the effort in 2019, with the introduction of livestock sheds to their food shed system.
The new aquaponics systems represent the latest development in WWF-Philippines’ food shed efforts. Each aquaponics system stocks farmable tilapia which, together with the livestock sheds provided by Pilmico Foods Corporation, works to resolve a communities’ meat demands.
Sustainability has also been designed into the food shed. Water from the aquaponics system is used to water the crops grown in the food shed, while the excess produce is used to feed livestock. The system has a low power demand, which is addressed by solar panels installed into the roof.
Our aim is to continuously provide local, highly replicable food production technologies that are compact, protective and climate resilient,” said WWF-Philippines Project Manager Monci Hinay. An agriculture technologist and sustainability advocate, Hinay has overseen WWF-Philippines’ food shed effort. The organization plans to have 48 food sheds established in rural communities across the country by the end of 2021.

A group of women set up a hydroponics system for their food shed with technical support and inputs from MUAD and We Effect –Together with the new aquaponics system being developed by WWF-Philippines and MUAD Negros, each food shed is a self-contained, sustainable solution to food security issues. Photograph © WWF-Philippines
“This food shed, together with the aquaponics system, integrates sustainable crops, poultry, livestock and aquaculture production, all in a self-sustaining, easily-managed system. It’s affordable. Easy to put together and take apart. It’s perfect for communities,” added Hinay.
Food security is still a major issue faced by many communities across the Philippines. With innovations such as the newly-improved food sheds developed by WWF-Philippines and its partners, however, solutions exist to provide food for hungry Filipinos. Support WWF-Philippines, and help #ChangeTheEnding for many Filipinos.
The new food sheds, complete with the new aquaponics system, are currently being prototyped. WWF-Philippines plans to introduce aquaponics to their partner communities throughout 2021.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Moncini Hinay
Sustainable Food Systems Program Manager
For media arrangements, please contact:
Ms. Pam Luber
Integrated Communications Manager
Ms. Chezka Guevarra
Public Relations, Media, and Events Assistant Manager