The waters of the Philippine archipelago are the waters of life, supporting fisheries that provide livelihoods to millions of people, and food to millions more. One of the most important fishes in the Philippines is tuna. From sushi to tuna steak to the humble canned tuna, this fish is beloved both in this country, and as an export to foreign countries. In fact, the Philippines is the world’s third largest tuna producer, with almost half of our country’s seafood exports coming from yellowfin, skipjack, and frigate tuna.
However, our precious tuna stocks are in danger because of climate change, overfishing, and illegal fishing. This is a problem for the common Filipino like you and me—but, more importantly, it’s a problem for the fisherfolk and coastal communities that rely on tuna for income and food. While the Philippine economy continues to grow, our fisherfolk are being left behind, with 2 out of 5 fisherfolk living below the poverty line. As our fishery stocks dwindle, almost 1.6 million fishers in coastal communities face the loss of their livelihood.
In recent years, fishers have had to look for tuna further from the shore, increasing their competition with larger fishing vessels and endangering their lives. Furthermore, tuna fishers are also financially dependent on their local traders, known as casas. Since tuna isn’t in season all year round, fishers have to loan money from the casas during lean months. Because of this indebtedness, they are unable to negotiate for better prices for their tuna. Another problem for tuna fisheries is unsustainable fishing, when fishers catch more and faster than the tuna can replenish their populations. Unfortunately, unsustainable fishing is enabled by government investments, which increase fishing capacity without regard to the overfished state of our waters.
WWF-Philippines has been working on the Partnership Program Towards Sustainable Tuna (PPTST) since 2011, in our two project areas in Lagonoy Gulf and Mindoro Strait. The Sustainable Tuna Partnership (STP) builds on the achievements of the PPTST. The STP aims to give fishers a louder voice in local government, and improve their financial management and business skills. It also aims to provide an innovative investment scheme to help with savings in the high season, for availability in the low season. This will give fishers greater power to negotiate for their tuna prices. It also aims to reach out to casas, exporters and retailers to empower tuna fishers and give them a greater pull in the supply chain.
Since early 2022 the STP program has embarked on its latest endeavor. Entitled STP 2, the program now looks regionally as it lobbies for harvest control rules and strategies to safeguard the yellowfin tuna fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Tuna is a migratory fish that recognizes no geopolitical boundaries, and international cooperation is key to protecting them.
The program is also continuing its work in the communities of the Lagonoy Gulf and Mindoro Strait as it encourages fishers to adopt sustainable fishing practices and pursues new systems and emergent technologies to both protect fisheries and bring income to small-scale fishers across the country.
The STP 2 program now continues the work that was begun back in 2011. Together with the Tuna Fishers Associations (TFAs) and the Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Councils (FARMCs) of Bicol and Mindoro, with the WWF Network and with the Tambuyog Development Center, the STP team is working hard to bring sustainability to the yellowfin tuna fisheries of the Philippines.
New system helps fishers report catch data
A recent batch of data collected by the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF-Philippines) pinpoints precisely
Fishers reap benefits from new traceability system
Philippines, Indonesia, Viet Nam discuss fishery management
New study to encourage fishers to register boats, renew licenses
hroughout February the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF-Philippines) conducted a study
STP 2 Christmas Cashout
Bicol and Mindoro - Tuna fishing communities across the Lagonoy Gulf and Mindoro Strait
Traceability transponders installed aboard tuna vessels
The World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF-Philippines), together with Futuristic Aviation and Maritime Enterprise, Inc. (FAME),
WWF-Philippines Conducts Fisheries Information Study
A recent study commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF-Philippines) has explored interactions
STP 2 Team Hosts Gender Workshops
Throughout the month of September through to early October, the World Wide
LGUs commit to amending fishery ordinances
Local Government Units across the Lagonoy Gulf and Mindoro Strait have committed
Philippines, Indonesia discuss tuna management
Representatives from both the Philippine and Indonesian governments met in Quezon City,
WWF-Philippines Accredited by Bicol, Mindoro LGUs
Local Government Units (LGUs) across the Bicol region and the province of Occidental Mindoro granted
BFAR Grants WWF-Philippines Gawad Pagkilala 2022 Award
24 GSLCs Established in Coastal Communities
A total of 24 Group Savings and Loans Councils have been set up in coastal communities in Lagonoy Gulf and Mindoro Strait as of the end of the second quarter of 2022.
New Study on Fisher Registration and Licensing Launched
A new study being conducted by the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines’ (WWF-Philippines) Sustainable Tuna Partnership
WWF-Philippines Holds MSP Dialogue in Mindoro
Groups from across the Mindoro fishery supply chain took part in a workshop hosted by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines last
Mindoro Women Get Livelihood Support
Throughout the month of April, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines donated food processing
Women Take the Lead in Mindoro and Bicol
This World Tuna Day, women are leading the way toward sustainable fisheries.
Food sheds rise in Lagonoy Gulf
As of late March, 2022, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines
First MSP Dialogue Meeting Held in Bicol
On the 26th of May, the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF-Philippines)
New project guns for regional yellowfin tuna sustainability
Launched this February, the Sustainable Tuna Partnership 2 project will be lobbying
WWF-Philippines Pushes for Traceability Guidelines with NFARMC
Fisheries across the Philippines have started to collapse – but solutions sit on the horizon./p>
Smashing Gender Norms with the Fisherfolk of the Philippines
On the shore and out at sea, the women of Lagonoy Gulf are calling for their right to be recognized and to participate/p>
Conservation Groups Rally for Establishment of DFAR
Conservation groups came together to highlight to the public the importance of sustainable fisheries/p>
How Climate Change is Changing Our Fisheries
“We catch less small pelagic fish these days. Where before we could catch
Bicol Small-Scale Tuna Fishers Launch Seafood Hub
The Gulf of Lagonoy Tuna Fishers Federation, Inc. (GLTFFI) took their first steps towards
The Night Fishermen of the Philippines
Starry night. Stars blip into existence in the sky and in the water as the last of the suns’ rays clip across the backs of tall mountains./p>
Championing a Framework for Sustainable Fisheries
The tuna fisheries of Bicol and Mindoro stand as an example for sustainable seas.
WWF Explores Partnership with Technology Exploration
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines is exploring a partnership with Technology Exploration (TX)/p>
The Women of the Fishing Industry
Fishing is often seen as a man’s job. From sea to line
Financial Empowerment for Our Tuna Fishers
From the 19th to the 20th of August, tuna fishermen from the coastal communities of Lagonoy Gulf
New Storage Devices Promise High-Value Tuna for Fishermen
On the 10th of July, 2019, at the Tabaco City Municipal Hall, a set of collapsible tuna catch holds, developed by Fortuna
FIP Fever
On the 26th and 27th of March, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) offices from across the Asia Pacific (APAC)
New Mindoro Regional Fisherfolk Director
On the 2nd of May, International Tuna Day, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) swore in Bernard A. Mayo as
Mindoro Local Tuna Management Plan Launch
May 2, 2019 saw the launch of the Mindoro Strait Tuna Fisheries Management Plan
BMZ visits Occidental Mindoro
A team from WWF-Philippines traveled through the coastal communities of
Eight Years of Sustainable Fisheries
For over half a decade, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines has been
Multi-Stakeholder Training
Key players from the local tuna industry, non-governmental organizations,
Bringing Solar Power to Fishermen
The annual Earth Hour urges the world to switch off the lights for 60 minutes as a symbol of commitment to the conservation of the planet.