The Sustainable Diner at The Mind Museum’s Cafe Scientifique: Zero-Waste Love

February 2019


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Representatives from WWF-Philippines and The Mind Museum, together with the attendees of Cafe Scientifique: Zero-Waste Love, gather for a group photo after the talk. Photo © Pamela Luber  / WWF-Philippines

Last February 9, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines’ The Sustainable Diner: A Key Ingredient for Sustainable Tourism project was invited to speak at Cafe Scientifique: Zero-Waste Love, presented by The Mind Museum in Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. Cafe Scientifique is a worldwide movement adopted by The Mind Museum’s Mind Movers with the goal of bringing science closer to the public through conversations. For the February edition of the lecture series, the concept of “Zero-Waste Love” was explored through a discussion on crowd-sourced, science-inspired, Earth-friendly DIY date ideas for the upcoming Valentine’s Day.

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Melody Melo-Rijk, project manager of The Sustainable Diner Project, shared the Valentine’s Dinner Date Guide with the attendees, comprised of both singles and couples looking for ways to make Valentine’s Day waste-free. Photo © Pamela Luber / WWF-Philippines

Melody Melo-Rijk, WWF-Philippines’ Project Manager for Sustainable Consumption and Production, introduced not only The Sustainable Diner project to the audience, but also the project’s Valentine’s Dinner Date Guide - a five-part visual album on how Filipino diners can show their love for each other and the environment through their dinner date choices. Bonifacio Global City, which is situated in Taguig City, is not originally a part of the project’s three partner areas, but as an urban oasis known for its multicultural charm and global allure, both domestic and foreign tourists flock to BGC for its rich and vibrant dining scene. Since February is the month of love, Melo-Rijk stressed the importance of also including the planet’s welfare when it comes to planning for our activities with our loved ones. “Valentine’s Day is such a special day for Filipinos, especially for couples, because it is that one day when we can show our love to each other through gifts and experiences, which includes dining out most of the time”, says Melo-Rijk. “We should also look at Valentine’s Day as an opportunity for us to show the world how full of love our hearts are not just for each other but also for the environment.”

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The session would not be complete without a volunteer couple playing the Balay Kawayan game to simulate their Valentine’s dinner date, as assisted by Pamela Luber of The Sustainable Diner project. Photo © Earl Andrew Aguirre / WWF-Philippines

The Balay Kawayan game was also introduced during the talk as a way to simulate a Valentine’s dinner date for the attendees. Pamela Luber, the project’s Integrated Marketing and Communications Specialist, did a run through of the interactive restaurant simulation game with the help of a volunteer couple.

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An attendee learning about The Sustainable Diner project through its brochure, 9-Step Restaurant Guide bookmark, and Valentine’s Dinner Date postcards. Photo © Pamela Luber / WWF-Philippines

The Sustainable Diner would like to thank The Mind Museum and its Mind Movers for allowing us to share our advocacy on sustainable dining through the Cafe Scientifique lecture series. When we work together to integrate science in our everyday conversations and activities, it is possible to change the mindsets and behavior of Filipino diners all over the country!

The Sustainable Diner project, under World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Philippines’ Sustainable Consumption and Production, is part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports this initiative on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.