WWF works to conserve the country's rarest and most endangered species. Through your help and vital support of our various partners, we are working to ensure the survival of our native species while keeping land and seascapes thriving and productive. We do this not merely for conservation's sake - but to make people's lives and livelihoods better.
Recent highlights include 23 new whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) photo identified in Donsol, Sorsogon in 2017, bringing the total to 491 which is 44% of all whale sharks photo identified in the country. WWF-Philippines assisted the municipal government in developing its tourism and river management plans, which aim to expand tourism to include river based activities like kayaking and hiking to the waterfalls, and engage neighboring municipalities that share its watersheds in river management.
WWF-Philippines also participated in the government-led annual tamaraw count. The population was estimated at 314 in 2010, increased steadily to 413 individuals in 2016, but dipped to 401 in 2017.
Lastly, WWF also updated the fishery profile in Malampaya Sound, the habitat of the elusive Irrawaddy Dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris).
Sustainable Whale Shark Ecotourism
Implementing a community-based Whale Shark Ecotourism Program